Silhouette photography has always been one of my favorite types to shoot. Something about the simplicity of the shots really interest me, I'm not sure what it is. I've based my photo style around silhouettes for the most part, and they comprise a large portion of the shots I consider to be decent. I also do most of my shooting in the dark when normal people are sleeping in their beds. It's a nice excuse to explore the city, find new places, climb things, and sneak around. I've been in the sewers, in abandoned buildings, in restricted areas, in every tunnel around, and generally anywhere with interesting lighting.
This was taken under a bridge with a friend. It's a mesh of 5 photos taken from the same position while my friend switched places each shot. We're both zombie fanatics and it was supposed to take on the feel of a walking zombie horde. Execution was a little lacking, but I still like the idea. I might re-shoot it.
This is my victory pose at the end of my cross-country bicycle tour this summer, taken in Virginia. I mailed about 40 postcards with this photo out to anyone who helped me, including the countless strangers who fed me and let me stay in their home.
This was taken in a biology building still under construction on university campus. The top floor had these giant metal containers. I made my friend climb into one. I thought it had this cool, industrious sort of look. Steam punk maybe. Funny story, the next time I went I got caught by the police and banned from campus. Luckily I graduated earlier that week. The cop actually aimed a gun at my friend and I from the second story as we were trying to jump the fence and said "FREEZE, DON'T FUCKIN' MOVE." So scary.
Reno has balloon races every year, including a morning dawn-patrol and then a mass ascension of about 100 hot air balloons. I go every year and usually get some pretty good shots. It's worth seeing at least once if you live anywhere within a few hundred miles of Reno. This one is a little grainy because it was so dark, but I like the composition and style enough to keep it in my collection. Behold: Cat-man.
This is my all-time favorite photo that I've taken. I found this tunnel in the wilderness between Reno and Sacramento. People say it reminds them of "A Clockwork Orange." It wasn't what I intended but I like it.